Robert Entright died in his 2-story Beaux Arts [[mansion|The House]] in Hartford, CT, on March 17th, 2019. His [[family|Meet the Entrights.]] had come to visit.
(if: (history:) contains "The House" and (history:) contains "Meet the Entrights.")[[Continue.|Intro]](link-repeat: "Robert")[(open-url: '')]
(link-repeat: "Rachel")[(open_url: "")]
[[Back.|Robert Entright]]* Robert's twin sister
* CEO & Owner of (link-repeat: "Anthos Publishing House")[(open-url: "")]
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]The main floor is vast and open design. If something happens there, it's hard not to notice.
The top floor is much more (link-repeat: "complex")[(open-url: "")] -- it's filled with bedrooms, the library, the study, and much more.
The basement is small and visitied rarely. It's only real purpose is storage and the extra freezer.
[[The Elevator|The Elevator]]
[[Back.|Robert Entright]]* Youngest son of Robert
* Drives around in a (link-repeat: "1955 Cadillac Eldorado")[(open_url: "")]
* Likes to party
* Likes his trust fund
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]Robert suffered a back injury in 2012. Since then, he had an elevator installed so he could get to the basement. It goes from his study to the basement -- no more, no less.
(set: _list to (array: "Robert's Frontal Lobe", "Robert's Amygdala", "Robert's Cerebrum"))
Robert was (link-goto: "erratic", (shuffled: ..._list)'s 1st) that way.Everyone thought Robert was a genius. He said he just worked hard. Either way, it was enough for him to amass quite a fortune.
(if: $house2 is true)[[[Let's get back to the story|MainPage]]](else:)[[[Let's get back to the story|Robert Entright]]]
Robert only loved one person: his wife. She died in 2005.
(if: $house2 is true)[[[Let's get back to the story|MainPage]]](else:)[[[Let's get back to the story|Robert Entright]]]
Robert never forgot a face, even in his old age. One time an old hunting buddy from his time in Colombia came to his door; Robert recognized him immediately.
(if: $house2 is true)[[[Let's get back to the story|MainPage]]](else:)[[[Let's get back to the story|Robert Entright]]]
Looking at his children, Robert once commented that Roger was "The one that worked." Roger went to college at Northeastern University and has worked as a petroleum engineer for the past 15 years. He is not quite as rich as his father, but lives comfortably with his daughter [[Ruth|Ruth]] in Portland, Maine.
Robert had a wonderful wife, (link-repeat: "Rachel")[(open_url: "")], but she passed away a decade ago.
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]Ruth is [[Roger's|Roger]] daughter. She's a good student, has lots of friends, and enjoys life. She also loves ice cream sandwiches.
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]Rose went to Tulane University and joined the workforce immediately after. Now, she's a business consultant (whatever that means).
Still, if you ask anyone in the Entright family, they'll tell you that Rachel is just like her younger brother, [[Ricky|Ricky]]. She's always wearing expensive clothes far beyond the budget of a business consultant.
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]Bob is [[Rose's|Rose]] husband. Everyone likes Bob. Bob is very fun and nice, and always has something pleasant to say. The only problem with bob is that he's somewhere between a (link-repeat: "black hole and the big bang")[(open_url: "")].
[[Back.|Meet the Entrights.]]March 7th, 2019 was quite an interesting night at the Entright estate. In fact, quite a few Entright's didn't make it through the night as well as they might have planned for.
[[Continue.|Intro2]]Before the night of March 17th, 2019 was over, the police arrived at the Entright estate and began their investigation. They didn't figure everything out. In fact, no one figured everything out. No (link-repeat: "Hercule Poirot")[(open-url: "")] or (link-repeat: "Miss Marple")[(open-url: "")] came in and saved the day. **No one character figured out all the crimes of that night.** Our only hope, our //dernier ressort//, is **[[you|MainPage]]**.[[Family|Family2]]
[[An Unexpected Visitor|An Unexpected Visitor]] <!-- Inspector arrives -->
[[A Classic Board Game|A Classic Board Game]] <!-- CLUE, Rose heads upstairs -->
[[A Late Arrival|A Late Arrival]] <!-- Rose and Bob arrive, interrupt CLUE -->
[[Drive-by|Drive-by]] <!-- Rose drives by, sees inspector, drives away -->
[[An Act of Sisterly Love|An Act of Sisterly Love]] <!-- Robert blackmails Robin -->
(if: $q1 is true)[
[[An Understandable Shock|An Understandable Shock]]
[[Father-son Bonding|Father-son Bonding]]
[[LaGrange's Error|LaGrange's Error]]
(if: $q2 is true)[
(link-repeat: "")[(open-url: "")]
[[Even More Father-son Bonding|Even More Father-son Bonding]]
(if: $q3 is true)[
[[A Wolf Among Sheep|A Wolf Among Sheep]]
(if: $q4 is true)[
[[The Wolf Pack|The Wolf Pack]]
[[Sharpening Claws|Sharpening Claws]]
[[Just a Bit More Father-son Bonding|Just a Bit More Father-son Bonding]]
[[Counting Sheep|Counting Sheep]]
[[A Cold Surprise|A Cold Surprise]]
(if: $q5 is true)[
[[Nine One One|Nine One One]]
(if: $q6 is true)[
[[One Last Trip to the Freezer|One Last Trip to the Freezer]]
(if: $q7 is true)[
[[An Act of Brotherly Love|An Act of Brotherly Love]]
[[The End|Future]]
(if: $q8 is true)[
(if: $q9 is true)[
[[The Final Murder.|The Final Murder.]]
]//4:59 pm, March 17th, 2019//
As Inspector LaGrange pulled up to the Entright House, he couldn't help but be amazed. "I guess bad deeds do pay," he thought to himself. Slowly, the Inspector stepped out of his car and walked along the meticulously designed paver walkway to a grand, dark oak door. He knocked on the door and waited, for one... two... three... minutes to go by, tapping his foot and checking his watch irritatedly. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the door opened wide, and an older man appeared.
"Sorry for the wait. I don't like keeping any help around, and with my back it's difficult to get to the door." the man told him.
"Don't worry about it. I'm Inspector LaGrange of the Hartford Police Department," he said as he flashed his badge, "are you Robert Entright?"
"Yes, I am."
"Well, do you mind if I come in and ask you a few questions?"
"Not at all, come in." Robert turned around and started walking into the house. Robert led the Inspector to the large room with a roaring fire.
As the Inspector entered, he couldn't help but notice a large, grand (link-repeat: "painting")[(open-url: "")], lit bright by the fire directly below it.
"What a beautiful painting. Where'd you get it?" The Inspector asked.
"Ah, an old friend from my time in (link-repeat: "Greece")[(open-url: "")] gave that to me years ago. I've always been fascinated by flowers."
[[Back|MainPage]]//6:00 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Roger, always on time, arrived to his father's party exactly at its scheduled time: 6:00 pm. Much to his surprise, his Aunt Robin was already there. As she greeted them at the door, he asked "So, how's the party going?"
"Well, you're the first one's to arrive except for me, so I'd say it's just getting started!"
"Where's Robert?"
"I think he's upstairs, talking to Ricky. In the meantime, how about we sit down and play a board game?"
Ruth, Roger's daughter, had arrived with him, despite her pleas that they get to the party fashionably late. Listening to the conversation between her father, at this point she excitingly interjected.
"Great, let's play CLUE!"
The three sat down and continued to play their game.
[[Back|MainPage]]//5:02 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Rose turned her SUV into her father's neighborhood. As she drove by each of the sparesly dispersed houses, she thought to herself, "Finally, I've needed to talk financials with Dad for a while now."
As Rose approached the hedges around her father's house, she began to notice a figure in the house's doorway. Braking slowly, she stopped the car and looked onward.
The figure seemed to be a man, wearing grey slacks and a formal jacket. As the door opened and her father's figure appeared, the man seemed to pull something out of that jacket. As it glinted in the afternoon sun, the object was unmistakable -- a police badge.
"Hmmmmm, talking to the police... that can't be good." Rose said to herself as she turned the car and drove away "I guess I'll just stop by later."
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:20 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Robin, with nothing better to do, figured she'd arrive to the party early and spend some time with her sibling before the festivities would begin. She pulled into the spacious drive, walked up to the door, and knocked. As she waited, she thought to herself, "With his bad back and refusal to hire a live-in nurse, it'll probably take a while for him to get to the door." So, she waited one... two... three... four... five... six... minutes until she finally ran out of patience.
Trying the handle, Robin found that the door was unlocked. "Figures, he's always been so erratic."
As Robin walked in, shouting "Robert! Robert!" She eventually wandered into the parlor room. As she looked inside, she couldn't believe her eyes! She shouted again, this time in a panicked, frightened tone, "Robert! What the hell? I'm calling the police!"
Robert snapped back, "No you won't! Call the police and I'll make sure you never walk throught the doors of your beloved __________ for the rest your life!"
(link: "Fill in the blank.")[(set: $sisterly_love_answer to (prompt: "", ""))
(if: (lowercase: $sisterly_love_answer) is "anthos" or (lowercase: $sisterly_love_answer) is "publishing house")[ (set: $q1 to true)
"No you won't! Call the police and I'll make sure you never walk through the doors of your beloved Anthos for the rest your life! Don't forget who bought that precious company for you -- and who's still the majority shareholder. Now, help me carry this body to the freezer downstairs and I'll make it worth your while."
[[Nice try.|MainPage]]
//6:15 pm, March 17th, 2019//
As Ruth, Roger, and Robin continued to play their game of CLUE, they heard a knock on the door.
"Hello!" bellowed a happy shout from the outside, "we're here!"
As the three ran to the door and opened it, Rose and Bob walked in together. Bob, jolly as ever, began to talk to the family.
"What have you all been up to?"
"Well, we've been playing CLUE since we got here!" Ruth replied, "but we really just got started!"
"That's great, can I join?"
"For sure, we'll just throw out our (link-repeat: "old sheets")[(open-url: "")] and start a new game."
While Bob's disposition was enagmatic as always, his wife's was much more stern and quiet. As Bob sat down to play a round of CLUE, Rose quickly walked up the stairs, looking for her father.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//6:20 pm, March 17th, 2019//
The new game of CLUE was just starting. Ruth passed out the pieces and cards as each player examined the board and their sheets. As they were just about to begin the first turn, Roger began to feel thirsty.
"Before we start, I think I'm going to head downstairs and grab a beer. anyone want anything?" he asked his fellow players.
"Are you sure you want a beer? There's a really nice bottle of Riesling in the kitchen!" Robin quickly replied, "or there's some of your dad's scotch in a decanter in the parlor."
"No, I think I'll just stick with the beer."
"Well then, why don't I just go and grab it for you? You're having such fun, and it's not everyday you drive all the way out to Connecticut."
"Really, it's fine. Don't worry about it at all."
"While your down there can you grab me some ice cream from the freezer?" Ruth interjected.
"Sure, can do." Roger started to walk down the flight of stairs leading to the basement.
As Roger opened the freezer and reached in for the ice cream, he felt something brush up against his hand.
"Hmmmmm, what a weird feeling. Almost... hairy?" he thought to himself.
As he pushed some frozen peas and packaged steaks, he couldn't believe the sight before him. In the freezer was a body of a man, dressed in grey slacks and a jacket covered in blood.
"What the hell is dad up to?" he shouted out loud as he slammed the freezer shut and ran up to his father's study.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:45 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Ricky cruised into his father's neighborhood around 70 mph in his vintage Cadillac Eldorado. A cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his car radio blaring music, he turned into the Entright house and parked in the drive. As he exited his car, slammed the door, and walked up the house's entrance, he flicked the cigarette out into the neatly mowed lawn. Checking the handle to the front door and finding it unlocked, Ricky let himself in. At the foot of the stairs stood his father, Robert.
"About time you got here. I could hear that monstorous thing you call a car from the basement. I have to talk to you -- let's go to my study."
"Whatever you say dad."
As they arrived at the study, Robert waited by the door and closed it behind them.
"I've have some unsettling news for you, Ricky."
"What is it?"
"I've finally figured out that you've gotten yourself caught up in drugs."
Ricky solemnly looked on in his father's direction, intently observing what Robert was about to do. The look on Ricky's face confirmed his father's suspicions.
"Well, you're not denying it. Even if you did, I have proof."
"How the hell did you find out?"
"I'd asked one of my colleagues to keep an eye out for you, and he did. it doesn't matter though, either way you're cut off. You won't get another penny out of me until you sober up."
"What the hell -- you can't!" Ricky shouted back at his father.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:05 pm, March 17th, 2019//
"Have a seat, wherever you feel comfortable." Robert told inspector LaGrange in the parlor room. LaGrange sat down in a large, decorated chair next to the fireplace. As he pulled out his pad and pencil, ready to ask his questions, Robert interjected.
"One second, I just have to go get something. Make yourself comfortable, feel free to look around." With that, Robert promptly exited the room.
As LaGrange sat there, tapping his pad of paper against his hand, he noticed something across the room -- an open laptop on a small table. He walked over and pressed the space bar. A picture of a Robert flashed on the screen, with the text "Welcome, please enter your password:" and an input box.
LaGrange thought to himself, "Hmmmm, remember the case files. What could it be? Something personal?" Then, LaGrange typed in his guess and pressed enter.
(link: "Guess.")[(set: $lagrange_pass_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $lagrange_pass_answer) is "arquette")[ (set: $q2 to true)
LaGrange was surprised to see the welcome message disappear and "Logging in..." take its place. As LaGrange entered the desktop, a browser opened and an (link-repeat: "email thread")[(open-url: "")] appeared, and he began to read.
"It's all true... this is exactly the proof I need!" the inspector exclaimed in excitement.
"Too bad you're not going to have the chance to ever use it." Robert appeared in the doorway, a silenced pistol in hand.
With the contraction of Robert Entright's index finger, Inspector LaGrange completed his service on the narcotics divison of the Hartford Police Department permanently.
Hint: What's some basic private information?
(link:"Click for another hint.")[Try his mother's maiden name!]
[[Better luck next time.|MainPage]]
]]//6:30 pm, March 17th, 2019//
As Roger stormed up to his father's study, he slammed the door open.
"I already don't think we can trust the Colombians..." Rose was telling Robert until she was interrupted by the loud **WHAP** of the door against the wall.
"I need to talk to you dad." Roger stated.
"I'm busy. Come back in a few minutes, and knock next time, will you?"
"It's urgent. Tell Rose to get out."
Robert looked into his son's eyes, sensing his disposition, and then waved to Rose. Silently, she walked out of the room.
As soon as the door shut, Roger exploded. "Why in the world is there a dead body in your freezer?"
Almost off-handedly, Robert replied, "Oh, Inspector LaGrange. He was getting his nose a bit too deep in my business."
"You're a maniac! I'm calling the police!"
Robert paused, seemingly troubled, until slowly a sly smile came across his face. Then he said "No you're not, unless you want the truth about November 2nd, 2009 to come out."
Roger's already angry tone only escalated.
"Don't you dare bring __________ into this!"
(link: "Fill in the blank.")[(set: $rachel_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $rachel_answer) is "rachel")[ (set: $q3 to true)
"Don't you dare bring Rachel into this!"
"Why not? If it weren't for me, you'd be in jail for life on a murder two charge. With a sympathetic jury, maybe even murder one -- no one likes wife-killers. You should be thankful I dealt with the man in the basement. If I go down, you go with me."
Roger sat there, thinking of a way out. It didn't seem like there was any. He got up to leave, saying "You're a monster."
"I very well may be, but the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Go downstairs and enjoy the party -- we don't want anyone to get suspicious, now do we?"
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]//6:45 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Roger stumbled out of his father's study looking as if he'd just seen a ghost. As he looked down the hallway to the stairs, he saw his daughter in front of him.
"Why are you here, Ruth?"
"Ummmm... I was just wondering if you had that ice cream you said you'd get me!"
Roger, quite understandably, had completely forgotten about the ice cream. All he could say was "Sorry, I forgot. How about I go get it for you now?"
"Don't worry about it, I'm not really hungry for ice cream anymore!"
Roger began to walk down the stairs. Upon seeing her daughter not following him, he asked "Where are you off to? The party's downstairs!"
"I'm just going to head to the bathroom real quick!"
Roger stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking onward to the rest of the Entrights, enjoying themselves. "Not yet, I need some time." he thought to himself.
Roger walked into the parlor room, falling into a large chair next to the dwindiling fire. He didn't notice the small red stain on the armrest. As Roger sat, he dwindled off to sleep.
(link: "Time goes on.")[
The clock chimes 7 o'clock.
(link: "Time goes on.")[
The clock hits 7:15.
(link: "Time goes on.")[
The clock is seconds away from 7:30...
(link: "Wake up!")[
Suddlenly, Roger woke up from his nap. As he came to, he noticed something across the room.
"Wow, is that dad's laptop? No, it can't be... I set that old thing up for him half a decade ago."
Walking over to the laptop, he sat down and laid his fingers on the keyboard.
"Hmmmmm... maybe the password hasn't changed."
Opening the laptop, he entered //arquette//.
As he began to read, he exclaimed, "What in the world? I can't believe __________ is part of this mess too!"
(link: "Fill in the blank.")[(set: $wolf_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $wolf_answer) is "rose")[ (set: $q4 to true)
"What in the world? I can't believe Rose is part of this mess too!"
Although frazzled by his previous conversation with his father, upon this realization Roger snapped back into place.
"I have to figure this out!"
Roger got up quickly, angrily, but then thought to himself "Keep it cool, no one should suspect I'm anything but normal."
He slowed himself down, and determinedly walked out of the parlor room.
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]]]]]//6:20 pm, March 17th, 2019//
As her husband kept the rest of the family company, Rose climbed up the stairs to see her father. As she approached the upper floor, Ricky passed her by, slamming his feet against the floor and with an awful scowl on his face. "Maybe he's just high" Rose thought to herself.
As Rose heard movement from inside his father's study, she walked in and sat down in one of the chairs across from her father's desk, closing the door on her way in. Her father was sitting a great leather chair behind the desk, and upon her entrance he looked up at her.
"What do you want?" he asked after she closed the door, "confirmation on the shipment from Bogota?"
"No, not that. Something far more serious." As she said these words, Rose reached into her jacket, pulled out her silenced pistol, and pointed it at him.
"I was on my way to stop by and discuss that shipment earlier today, before I noticed some cop knocking at your door. We both know I can't have law enforcement snooping around. With a shipment this big, it wouldn't be hard at all to make intent to distribute stick -- we could all go away for decades. So," she said almost menacingly, "you have a minute to explain yourself before I take you out of the equation and skip town for good."
"Woah, I promise you there's nothing to worry about. The good inspector won't be telling anyone anything anymore."
"Well, I'm going to need to see some proof of that before the shipment goes through. I already don't think we can trust the Colombians..."
Mid-sentence, Rose was interrupted by her eldest brother slamming open the door.
"I need to talk to you dad." Roger stated as Rose quickly slipped the pistol back into her jacket.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:25 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Rose parked in her driveway and climbed out of her car. Opening the garage door with her key, she walked into her house, shouting "I'm home!"
"Back so early? I thought I'd just meet you at the party!" Bob shouted back from their bedroom deeper in the house.
"Well, I decided I just didn't want to bother dad," Rose shouted back, now walking over to the bedroom, "so I'll just head over with you!"
As she finished the sentence, she walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
"You know I always appreciate your company," Bob told her lovingly as he adjusted his tie in the full-body mirror across the room, "I'll be ready soon!"
"Take your time, I'm just going to grab something from the closet." Rose stood up and entered their walk-in closet, closing the door behind her.
Walking down to the end of the closet, Rose pulled open her sock drawer. With a quick tug, she popped the drawer out of the cabinet and placed it down on the floor. Then, she groped around in the hole where the drawer used to be until she felt a heavy object taped to the cabinet. Ripping it from the back of the cabinet, she pulled a dark blue case out and opened it on the ground. From it she took a sleek black Beretta 9-millimeter pistol, and pulling back the slide she checked to make sure it was loaded.
"This should do perfectly." she thought to herself as she slipped the pistol into her jacket and began to put the case and drawer back in their original places in the cabinet.
"Honey, I'm ready! Can you start the car?" she shouted out as she exited the closet.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:50 pm, March 17th, 2019//
"You won't get another penny out of me until you sober up." Robert said, almost matter-of-factly.
"What the hell -- you can't!" Ricky shouted back at his father.
"Yes I can. I already did." Robert said back.
As Ricky sat there, scowling, Robert continued to go on.
"Well, at least you get the inheritance! A tenth of it, that is - I'm splitting it among the children. Your two siblings have made far more out of themselves than you ever have, so I'm giving Rose the house and the car and thirty percent of the money, and Roger sixty percent. It doesn't matter though -- I'll probably end up changing it and cutting you out completely before I die anyway. Just remember that you never deserved a thing. All you've done is take and take and take and never made anything of yourself!"
At that remark, Ricky couldn't take it anymore.
"Screw you, dad!" he shouted as he kicked the door open and stormed out of the room.
[[Back.|MainPage]] //7:25 pm, March 17th, 2019//
What had started off as a CLUE session had now gone back to more of a traditional party.
"So, how is your business going?" Robin asked Bob.
"Pretty well. This past quarter's earnings were quite spectacular. I remeber my secretary bringing me the documents for the first time -- I couldn't believe my eyes!"
"And he's starting to get more time off to spend at home with me!" Rose added happily.
"That's great! It seems like you two have really taken off. Say, do you have any idea where Ruth's been off to? I was so looking forward to seeing her."
At that moment, Ruth came up the stairs and joined the conversation. "I'm right here!" she said brightly.
"So, how have you been? School's going well? You'd be in... 10th grade now, I suppose?"
"Not yet! I'm right on the end of my freshman year."
As the banter continued on, Ricky just sat in a chair and listened, drinking his father's scotch.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//7:32 pm, March 17th, 2019//
As Robin continued talking to her relatives, she couldn't get the thought of the inspector out of her mind.
"What if someone finds him? He's not too deep in the freezer.... Oh God, what am I going to do?" she thought to herself.
Eventually, tired with talking about this and asking about that, she could take it no longer.
"I'm going to go grab a beer from downstairs. Anyone want one?"
Ricky muttered, "That sounds good, but I still have half a glass of scotch to finish. Maybe I'll get one in a bit."
Then Bob replied, "Then nope, seems like we're all good!"
Rose hurried down the stairs until she was in the basement. Then, nearing the freezer, she began to move slower, and slower, and slower, her fear of what she'd put there increasing with each and every step.
As she looked over the freezer, she almost couldn't bring herself to grab onto its handles. Stiff as a board, she slowly opened the door, from a crack, then a quarter, until it was completely open. Looking inside, she couldn't believe her eyes for a second time that night.
"What the Hell is __________ doing in here?!"
(link: "You know the drill.")[(set: $frozen_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $frozen_answer) is "robert")[ (set: $q5 to true)
"What the Hell is Robert doing in here?!"
Robin looked down into the freezer to see not just Inspector LaGrange, but the inspector's killer right beside, seemingly bashed over the head.
"What is even going on in this house?" she thought as she stared into the freezer's contents.
"I guess it doesn't matter, as long as I get the Hell out."
Robin reached past her brother and grabbed the Inspector. "This is the only one they can tie back to me." she muttered under her breath.
After she pulled the inspector across the room, she reached up and cranked open the old foundation window. Taking a ladder from the corner and bringing it up the window, she pushed the inspector as high as she could, until he was mostly through the window and on the ground outside. Climbing up the ladder herself, she'd made it to the house's backyard, the Inspector with her. Now, dragging the inspector along the gravel around the house, making sure to duck under the house windows, she brought the body to her car in the front, and threw it into the trunk.
"Time for that beer" she thought to herself as she rounded the house, back to the window and began to climb back down the ladder.
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]//8:15 pm, March 17th, 2019//
What had finally become a party had now digressed back into a game night, with only one game: CLUE.
As the players has just finished a round, now Roger jumped in. Ruth passed out the pieces, sheets, and markers, and they all got started.
"Hey, is there another marker? I don't have one." Roger asked Ruth.
Looking through the game box, Ruth couldn't find anything.
"Sorry dad, looks like there isn't one. Can you just use your fountain pen?" She pointed at the pen in his shirt pocket.
"Oh, this thing? I think it's out of ink. Can I just share with you?"
"Sure!" Ruth replied, and with that, the game began. for the next twenty minutes, the family was enveloped in the game, trying to figure out the final answer.
"Say, do you know where Robert is?" Bob asked after his turn, "I know he always loved to play, and I haven't seen him yet."
"You know him, he won't come down until real late when everyone's about to leave." Robin replied.
"I think he's up in his study talking with Rose," Ruth chimed in.
As they continued to play, it looked more and more like Ruth would win again. Then, Bob said "Well, this looks almost over. I'm going to go grab some ice cream real quick, anyone want any?"
Now in the basement, Bob opened up the freezer. "Oh my God!" he shouted as he gazed his eyes upon his father-in-law's cold body. Immediately, he pulled out his phone and dialed **9-1-1**.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//12:30 am, March 18th, 2019//
Ricky sat cuffed in the back of a police cruiser. About fifty yards down the road, his Cadillac Eldorado was bent halfway around a tree. He muttered to himself, "All for that damned inheritance! All for that damned inheritance..." Around the Eldorado, four Hartford Police Department cruisers were parked, lights flashing.
Inspector Harry Sullivan drove onto the scene just a few minutes later. As he crossed the yellow **CRIME SCENE** tape spread around the tree, he asked a uniformed officer, "So, what do we got here?"
"Well, what started off as a DUI and a car crash turned into, well, whatever the Hell this is. One body was found in the trunk. A few interesting things about it. First, the on-site M.E. says the cause of death seems to be a puncture wound to the neck by something thin and hollow -- he couldn't put a finger on what exactly. Secondly, a BOLO was already put out a few hours ago on this victim here. It looks like they were wanted in suspicion of murder of a one..." the cop checked over his notes in a pad of paper, "one Robert Entright. Apparently this Robert was murdered a few hours earlier and the victim here disappeared right after."
"What's the victim's name?" Inspector Sullivan asked the officer.
"Ummmmm, the victim is one..." he checked his notes again, "one __________ Entright."
(link: "Who is it?")[(set: $trunk_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $trunk_answer) is "rose"))[ (set: $q6 to true)
"one Rose Entright."
"This seems pretty cut and dry to me," the Inspector said, "the driver's got one of them in the trunk already. It shouldn't be hard to get both murders to stick on his record.
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]//7:45 pm, March 17th, 2019//
"What did I do?" he thought to himself as he pressed the button to Robert's elevator hurriedly. "Why is this thing always so slow?"
Seemingly centuries later, the elevator arrived and its doors slowly clacked open.
"Here we go," he muttered as he dragged Rose's dead body, covered in a bed sheet, into the elevator, and pressed the down button.
"How in the world did I get myself into this? What's more, how in the world am I supposed to get myself out!"
The elevator reached the basement with a small **ding**, and he stepped out. "One last time," he said as he began the process of dragging the body along the floor over to the freezer.
Looking down at the metallic door of the freezer, he could see a faint reflection of himself, noticing a streak of blood across his cheek.
As he wiped it off with his inside of his sleeve, he told himself, "__________, you're going to get yourself out of this. A few days from now you'll be sitting back at home, away from this horrible old house, and no one will ever be the wiser."
(link: "Guess.")[(set: $rose_dead_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $rose_dead_answer) is "roger")[ (set: $q7 to true)
"Roger, you're going to get yourself out of this. A few days from now you'll be sitting back at home, away from this horrible old house, and no one will ever be the wiser."
As Roger opened up the freezer, he became completely shocked. "What in the world is Robert doing in there?" he thought to himself as he staggered away from the freezer and cupped his face in his hands, "What am I going to do?"
After sitting there, thinking for a few minutes, it became clear to him. "I guess there's no other choice," he told himself under his breath as he buried Robert's partner in crime right along with him.
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]//7:55 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Ricky finally finished the entire decanter of his father's scotch. "Now seems like a good time for that beer." he thought as he got out of his chair and started to stumble over to the basement. "I guess some ice cream couldn't hurt either."
He somehow made it down the stairs, grabbed his beer, and threw open the freezer. The jarring sight of his father and sister in the freezer sobered him up quickly.
He pulled out his phone and dialed 911. Just as he was about to press the call button, he said, almost surprising himself, "I have an idea."
He began to think.
"If I call 911 right now, I'll get my 10%, Roger will get his 60%, and Bob will take Rose's share."
"But if Rose disappears, everyone will think she did it. I guess they'll have to split her share between Roger and I."
"I guess it's better to be safe than sorry."
He turned off the phone and put it back in his pocket, and began to drag his sister out of the freezer.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//7:30 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Roger walked out of the parlor room and into the main living room, where it seems that the CLUE had finally disappated and a real party had begun. He began to look around the room.
"Bob... Robin... Ricky... Ruth... Ah, there's Rose!" he thought as he went up to approach her.
"Can I ask you about something in private?" he asked her, adding "It's important."
"Sure" Rose replied, and the siblings walked up the stairs together.
"Let's just use dad's bedroom. I'm sure he won't mind and I don't want to disturb him in his study." Rose said as they reached the top floor.
Once they were in the bedroom, Roger immediately began, "I know about your involvement in dad's business. I know about the shipment from Colombia."
Rose, before relaxed, instantly turned cold and serious. "What about the shipment from Colombia?"
"Well, I know it's higly illegal, and I know dad's killed at least one person to make it happen. Why would you work with him -- he's a murderer!"
As Roger finished this sentence, Rose pulled out her pistol and pointed it at him, saying "I guess we're all murderers here."
"What in the world am I going to do now?" Roger thought to himself.
With a //pew// a round exited the gun's silenced barrel. Roger dived out of the way. Then, he dived right at Rose, tackling her to the floor.
As Rose began to turn the gun in Roger's direction, Roger tried with all his might to push it back at her. But the angle was off -- it looked inevitable that the barrel would be lodged against his chest in a matter of seconds.
In that instant, Roger used a free hand to grab his fountain pen out of his pocket, and pushed it deep into his sister's neck.
Rose dropped the gun, and slowly her eyes became empty.
"Oh no, what in the world am I going to do?" Roger thought to himself.
[[Back.|MainPage]]//5:25 pm, November 12th, 2060//
Ricky Entright walked outside of the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution for the first time in almost forty years. As he exited the building for the last time in his life, he looked up at the sky and a smile broke out on his face.
"It's finally over." he said to himself, "it's finally over."
As he'd planned, a cab came up to the prison entrance to pick him up. As he got in, he told the driver "Take me to 453 Fairfield Avenue, Hartford."
About an hour later, the cab pulled up to a quiet little cemetery. Ricky got out, and slowly walked over to his family's plots.
In this section of the cemetery were the graves of Remington Entright and Anias Arquette, his grandparents. Next to them rested the headstone of his father, Robert, right next to much older headstone of his mother. As he looked at the rest of the headstones and remebered the past, a tear streamed down his face. He stood in front of the graves of Rose and __________ and said, "I guess I'll be the next one to join these murdered fools."
(link: "One last time.")[(set: $roger_dead_answer to (prompt: "", ""))(if: (lowercase: $roger_dead_answer) is "roger")[ (set: $q8 to true)
He stood in front of the graves of Rose and Roger and said, "I guess I'll be the next one to join these murdered fools."
[[Try again.|MainPage]]
]]//6:40 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Ruth was getting tired waiting for her ice cream. As the current game of CLUE ended, she asked, "Hey, has anyone seen my dad?"
"Oh, I think I saw him heading upstairs." Robin told her.
Ruth walked up the stairs to the top floor. Hearing noise coming from her grandfather's study, she put her ear to the door.
" want the truth about November 2nd, 2009 to come out."
"Don't you dare bring Rachel into this!"
"Why not? If it weren't for me, you'd be in jail for life on a murder two charge. With a sympathetic jury, maybe even murder one -- no one likes wife-killers..."
Ruth almost gave out a sream, but cupped her hand over her mouth just in time.
[[Next.|Ruth3]]//6:47 pm, March 17th, 2019//
Ruth walked into her grandfather's study with a grave look on her face. As soon as she entered, Robert understood.
"So, you must've been listening, weren't you?"
Ruth immediately exploded. "What the Hell! You just let my father murder my mother! What kind of monster are you?"
"One that gets away with it. Complain all you want, say whatever you want, this is always going to end the same way -- with everyone calling you a crazy little girl."
"No, I'll find a way to prove it! I'll, I'll look everywhere! There has to be some way to make things right."
"There isn't! This isn't the best of all possible worlds. People die and the right people aren't caught. It happens every day. What could you possibly do to change the result of a decade-old investigation?"
Ruth went silent. As moment after moment passed, Robert looked at the kid, waiting for a response. Eventually, she turned away and walked over to the desk.
"You're right," she said, "people get away with murder every day." As she finished those words, Ruth grabbed a paperweight from on top of the desk and jumped over to Robert, bashing the object over his head.
[[Next.|Ruth4]]//7:30 pm, December 14th, 2019//
Ruth sat down with her father to eat dinner in their home.
"I can't wait to try this, I've never seen you cook before!" Roger told her daughter, "If this tastes as good as it smells I guess you'll have to cook more often!"
Roger picked up some of the rice his daughter had made with his fork and took a bite. "Mmmmmm... that's really tasty! What did you put in it?"
"It's a secret" Ruth said with a slight grin on her face.
As Roger continued to eat, his throat started to feel tighter... and tighter... and tighter. Pretty soon, he felt like he couldn't breathe.
"Ruth, help me!" he gasped, "Call 911!"
Ruth got up from her chair slowly, and stood over him.
"I will, once I'm sure there's no chance of them resuscitating you." she said. Roger's eyes lit up with panic.
"I've known. Ever since the night Robert died, I've known. Who do you think killed grandpa anyway -- we both know Ricky was too busy getting drunk all night."
By now, Roger had fallen out of his chair and was on the floor, grabbing his neck.
"How the Hell could you've killed your wife, my mother? Well, I guess I'll never get an answer. Bye, dad."
Picking up her father's plate, she left him on the kitchen floor to go and clean the dishes.
(set: $q9 to true)Well, that's a wrap. Lot's of death, discovery, revenge and riddles. Almost everything is figured out... there's just one last murder you forgot about.
[[Back.|MainPage]]Who was the CLUE murderer?
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Mustard with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Mustard with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Plum with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Plum with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Rope in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Green with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Green with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Peacock with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Peacock with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[Scarlet with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[Scarlet with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Knife in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Pistol in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Poison in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Trophy in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Rope in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Bat in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Ax in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Hall|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Knife in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Pistol in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Poison in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Trophy in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Rope in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Bat in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Ax in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Dining Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Knife in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Pistol in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Poison in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Trophy in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Rope in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Bat in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Ax in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Kitchen|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Knife in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Pistol in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Poison in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Trophy in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Rope in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Bat in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Ax in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Patio|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Knife in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Pistol in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Poison in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Trophy in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Rope in the Observatory|END]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Bat in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Ax in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Observatory|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Knife in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Pistol in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Poison in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Trophy in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Rope in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Bat in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Ax in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Theater|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Knife in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Pistol in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Poison in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Trophy in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Rope in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Bat in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Ax in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Living Room|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Knife in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Pistol in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Poison in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Trophy in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Rope in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Bat in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Ax in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Spa|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Knife in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Candlestick in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Pistol in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Poison in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Trophy in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Rope in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Bat in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "shudder")[[[White with the Ax in the Guest House|Nope]]]
(text-style: "rumble")[[[White with the Dumbell in the Guest House|Nope]]]
Sorry, that's not it.
[[Back.|MainPage]]Congrats! You've finally made it to the end. While it may be too late for the Entrights, we finally know the truth of what happened that night.
Thank you for reading March 17th. This story was written by (link-repeat: "Torin Kovach")[(open-url: "mailto:")].(link-repeat: "Robert")[(open-url: '')]
(link-repeat: "Rachel")[(open_url: "")]
[[Back.|MainPage]](set: $house2 to true)
The main floor is vast and open design. If something happens there, it's hard not to notice.
The top floor is much more (link-repeat: "complex")[(open-url: "")] -- it's filled with bedrooms, the library, the study, and much more.
The basement is small and visitied rarely. It's only real purpose is storage and the extra freezer.
[[The Elevator|The Elevator 2]]
[[Back.|Robert Entright]]* Robert's twin sister
* CEO & Owner of (link-repeat: "Anthos Publishing House")[(open-url: "")]
[[Back.|Family2]]* Youngest son of Robert
* Drives around in a (link-repeat: "1955 Cadillac Eldorado")[(open_url: "")]
* Likes to party
* Likes his trust fund
[[Back.|Family2]]Looking at his children, Robert once commented that Roger was "The one that worked." Roger went to college at Northeastern University and has worked as a petroleum engineer for the past 15 years. He is not quite as rich as his father, but lives comfortably with his daughter [[Ruth|RuthInfo2]] in Portland, Maine.
Robert had a wonderful wife, (link-repeat: "Rachel")[(open_url: "")], but she passed away a decade ago.
[[Back.|Family2]]Rose went to Tulane University and joined the workforce immediately after. Now, she's a business consultant (whatever that means).
Still, if you ask anyone in the Entright family, they'll tell you that Rachel is just like her younger brother, [[Ricky|Ricky2]]. She's always wearing expensive clothes far beyond the budget of a business consultant.
[[Back.|Family2]]Bob is [[Rose's|Rose2]] husband. Everyone likes Bob. Bob is very fun and nice, and always has something pleasant to say. The only problem with bob is that he's somewhere between a (link-repeat: "black hole and the big bang")[(open_url: "")].
[[Back.|Family2]]Ruth is [[Roger's|Roger2]] daughter. She's a good student, has lots of friends, and enjoys life. She also loves ice cream sandwiches.
[[Back.|Family2]]Robert suffered a back injury in 2012. Since then, he had an elevator installed so he could get to the basement. It goes from his study to the basement -- no more, no less.
(set: _list to (array: "Robert's Frontal Lobe", "Robert's Amygdala", "Robert's Cerebrum"))
Robert was (link-goto: "erratic", (shuffled: ..._list)'s 1st) that way.